Monday, August 27, 2012

Why is Questioning Important?


Questioning is important because:

1. It helps students understand and clarify what they have read.

2. It helps students draw conclusions.

3. It helps students make inferences. This allows them to "question" the author as he/she is reading.

4. It involves critical thinking.

5. It allows the reader to evaluate the author's writing and purpose.

5. It can be used throughout life.

Teachers should teach that there are relationships among the type of questions "in the book"and "in the head":

  •  In the book questioning is usually factual. "Thin" questions are right there in the book. These kinds of questions are usually answered in one or two sentences answering the questions-Who? What? When? Where? In my head questioning usually leads to inferences.
  • In the reader's head questioning leads to making inferences.  "Thick" questions are usually in the reader's head. However, they require higher level thinking on Bloom's Taxonomy. These usually require the reader to explain, compare/contrast, use cause/effect, or list/give examples. These are usually answered in more detail using the questions Why? How?
Questioning, as all reading comprehension strategies, must be practiced and modeled by the teacher before, during, and after reading.

Here is a sneak peak at a question graphic organizer.

Be sure to check out my my TpT store for many more reading strategy bookmarks and graphic organizers.
Be sure to head on over to


for lots more fun!

Be sure to comment and tell how you use the organizer or bookmarks.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Why is Summarizing Important? (Freebie)

Why is summarizing important?

Summarzing is an important skill for students to learn because:

1.It gives them practicing in telling about and finding important events. These important events are main ideas and supporting details.

2. It is a way for students to monitor their reading and understanding.

3. It is a way to practice sequencing and decision making.

4. It can be used in a variety of subject areas-Science, Social Studies, Math (integrating using Common Core Standards).

5.  It can be used in real-life situations, as well as, continue usage through college, in jobs, and one's career.

Be sure to check out the summarizing poster.

I am working on bookmarks and graphic organizers for a variety of reading strategies. I am giving this one away as a freebie. It includes three different bookmarks, as well as, three different graphic organizers that cooridinate with summarizing. The bookmark sheets have three bookmarks per page. Copy, cut, distribute OR you can copy front to back, have the student triple fold. Use for homework, classwork, or literature circles. I have Making Connections, Questioning, and Visualizing in my TpT store. Be sure to check them out. (I am making more to follow.)

Please also take the time to follow my blog. Leave me a comment on how you plan to use.


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Reading Freebies-Recap

As you are continuing to set up your classroom and/or establish rountines in reading, check out these summer freebies!!!

(You may have missed while relaxing, having fun, enjoying the sun.....)

Character Traits-F.A.S.T.

Be sure to follow.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Back to School and Me

So  busy...I have made soooo many things and I am sooooo far behind on posting, but I am doing a quick post for now for Manic Monday  at Classroom Freebies and 4th Grade FrolicsMonday Made It.

We have had students back at school for 1 week. It seems pretty odd because....

This year I am not a classroom teacher (sob, sob.....confusion.......strange). However, I am a teacher of gifted learners. Although, my blog name is Learn with ME in Grade Three, I am a teacher to the following

4th and 5th Grade Accelerated Math

2nd Grade Gifted (Resource)

5th Grade Gifted (Resource)

1st Grade Gifted (Resource)

It seems very strange. I have been a classroom teacher for 15 years. (I am calling this year Sweet Sixteen.)

I have met with all my students, and I am excited about my new adventure.

I am going to keep my blog name the same (for now. However, I was also thinking about shortening it to Learn with ME. I don't know.) I will be blogging about various things I am doing in my classroom.

Since Math is the first thing I have been teaching, my students have been working on seven Math about Me Projects. Upon completion, there will be pics of each project and how to (lesson plans/ideas), but for now I am sharing part three of the Math about Me. I wanted my students to use measurement (using standard and metric units). So I created an organizer for the students.

Here's the freebie link.

If you like what you see, please be sure to follow.
