Monday, February 28, 2011

Morning Routine-(Daily Language, Daily Math, and Number of the Day)

Each morning, the morning routine is just that ROUTINE. It begins with students entering the classroom, unpacking, and beginning their "morning work" before the news show and announcements. I LOVE Evan Moor's Daily Language Review and Daily Math Review. I have these copied with language and math on one page. I also have made transparencies for discussions, teachable moments, and review. The students love this because they also get to use a "green grading pen". So cool! Upon completing Daily Language and Daily Math, students also do what we call Number of the Day on the back. Here is what the Number of the Day consists of: 

Click here to get Number of the Day


  1. Good idea! I'm going to try this in my own classroom. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Well-I just saw the bottom of the form and it did not come out right--I will edit and the bottom of form will say--Ten more, ten fewer, one more, one fewer.
    Enjoy and look or edited version--lol

  3. There is also a place for story problem on left side. i have a different version of word at home than school. My home version is a snail. Time to revamp-forgive me

  4. Do you use the numbers from the counting the days in school or do you pick a number at random?

  5. to begin choose the same number as the day we have been in school, but now random number (even those in the hundreds place--yikes)
