Sunday, August 14, 2011

Getting to Know Me

Not many people will know that I have not posted or have been MIA, but for my followers and for those who have me on their blogrolls BIG THANKS and here is my newest post.

Last week was the first week of school with the students. I literally planned each day the night before (as I am changing grade levels from first to third) based on "teachable moments" and what I learned from my students each day (I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what I call "teachable moments". This means I can vear away from my lesson plans (however, still following curriculum and standards) and teach MY students according to their needs (academically, socially, and emotionally). BTW-MY STUDENTS ARE THE BEST THIRD GRADERS!!!

Anyway onto my post--

Last week we did the usual rules, procedures, and beginning to learn routines. I used the week as a getting to know me week. The students and I learned about each other in various ways. Here are just a few:

  • We discussed places to read and used an easy graphic organizer web.
  • We discussed what we like to read about and the students created word splashes. (I can not wait to introduce Wordle to them.)
  • We began reading How to Be Cool in Third Grade by Betsy Duffey. We are creating an easy story map and making text to self connections.
  • Students (and myself) brought in 3-5 items about ourselves and shared them in front of the class (no one freaked out!).
  • We made Venn Diagrams similiar to those found at Third Grade Thinkers. However, I could not get her link to work at the time (She has fixed it now!) so I had to create my own table. I added some items. The students had an awesome time and conversation was amazing. I had to join because I have an odd number of students in my room. I will post pics.
This week-I hope to continue learning about ourselves and incorporating teamwork.
What do you do to encourage teamwork?


  1. What is a word splash? I *think I have an idea, but.... TY!

  2. okay dana try now--I want others to see your getting to know me post too

  3. I'm switching from 1st to 3rd too. We start next week, ahh!

  4. Thanks, Delena! I'm glad your first week and the new transition went smoothly! I used a Buddy Building activity with my kids and they were begging for more! Here's a link to my post with two activities for getting to know each other:

    Have a great 2nd week!
    3rd Grade Gridiron

  5. If I didn't know better, I would say the post above was written by me. I too moved from first to third grade this year and I have awesome thrid graders! They can do so much! In addition, we started reading How to be Cool in the Third Grade the first week of school. LOL! I have fallen and broken my foot so I had to miss this past week of school, but I can't wait to get back.
    I love what you wrote about teachable moments. I am a firm believer in these moments because they usually end up being my favorite parts of the year. Hope you have a great year! I can't wait to read about it on your blog!
