I have been busy organizing my Math Pinterest Board. I have taken all the Math concepts and organized them into categories. This will make the concepts of Math readily accessible . I have titled each one beginning with Math. The organized categories are:
math-fractions and decimals
math-place value
math-multiplication and division
math-number sense
math-addition and subtraction
math-measurement and data
math-upper grades +
math-problem solving
math-operations and algebraic thinking
math technology (smartboard)---However, this board includes more technology
math-games (generic skills)
There is still the board Math for some generic things.
Therefore, if you followed my Math Board only, you might want to hurry on over and follow the other Math boards too so that you don't miss out on anything.
Reading and Writing could be my next project. However, I have a lot of things to organize as I am changing schools and grade levels next year. I am beginning a new adventure. Therefore, I have decided to keep my blog name the same with the little blurb-showing that I am a teacher and blogger for all learners.