It has been a busy school year! I have not blogged one single time! There goes my resolution for the year. However, I have been doing some awesome things in my classroom. I'll catch you up on some of them in my Doodlebugs Five for Friday link up.
I have been on Spring Break this week. What a much needed break considering we have not had any teacher workdays due to inclement weather (flooding) to catch up and refresh. I wouldn't say that I am caught up, but I have been refreshed with new ideas to finish out the school year and ideas for next year are beginning. While most of my break was at home, I did manage a short get away with the love of my life.
Some peeks and tweeks at new things I will be adding to my store. While I taught similar lessons previously, I have created lab sheets and project sheets for these fun-filled learning experiences. I am doing some fine tuning and proving the activities can be completed by students. Here is a peek:
Not only do I help students in the classroom during the day, I have also grown to love helping others after school.
I want to do a shout out to Brooke Banta at LeeLou Blogs. She helped make my blog design look uniform and complete today (without breaking the bank)!!! I love the design!!
My family visited our local aquarium and I took all sorts of pictures that I am going to use to create a small video that I'm going to use an anticipatory set to get the students excited about learning.( It will be for next year as we have already studied this year.) However, I'll be using Adobe Voice If you haven't discovered this app, you should give it a try. The literacy coach at my school introduced to my teammate and me. My teammate used in her most recent introduction for a writing unit. The students are also going to use. I am going to have the students use also this year maybe in a what I have learned this year in Math during testing review. What are some ways you make videos or movies for your classroom and/or allow students to use too?
Tell me about your week!
I love the colors in your blog design!
Thank you😄
DeleteAquariums are my favorite! I'll definitely have to check out Adobe Voice, I am intrigued!