Ok-here is my blurb on Daily 5.
I have been teaching quite awhile and can say I have taught a variety of grade levels Pre-K through 5th grade. I have used centers that include changing the learning concept/game every week to include Math, Reading, Listening, Social Studies, Science, Media Center, Phonics, Pocket Chart, Computer, and Art. I have used Literacy Centers to include only Language Arts Concepts too. I began using Daily 5 three years ago. I know if it works in a kindergarten classroom, it will work in third too. Anyway, this is how I set up my Daily 5 which I include only 4. I allow the students to choose Read to Self, Read to a Partner, Listening, and Word Work. I teach the routines and procedures just as described in The Daily 5 .
This is a typical is a typical Reading schedule:
Reading Workshop mini-lesson 1 on Lang. Arts/Reading concept
Practice/Daily 5 choice 1 (While the students are at each choice, I am teaching a guided reading group/literature circles/conferencing)
Reading Workshop mini-lesson 2 on Lang. Arts/Grammar concept
Practice/Daily 5 choice 2
Reading Workshop mini-lesson 3 on Lang. Arts/Phonics concept
Practice/Daily 5 choice 3
Although my students have four choices, they only do three choices a day. I usually have enough for only 6 students to do Listening to Reading.
I teach Writing Workshop separately.
This year as I move to third grade, I know reading workshop will "run" differently so I am sure I will make some changes in my mini-lesson idea.....but that is the fun thing about teaching-Every Day IS a New Day.
I allow students to use a variety of books during the Daily 5 choices. During Read to Self and Read to/with a Partner, students may use their book boxes. I use these ice bin holders from Wal-Mart.
Each student has one. I simply will take off the new label ( I had to get some new ones to make sure I had enough for my students this school year. Therefore, I have it waiting to find its home at school.) and place a cutsie label on it. I usually just use the typical labels one would use that you find at the teacher stores or now Target and write with a Sharpie the student's name on it. I have a special place for all the book boxes in the classroom. Last year, my class was so cute-whenever we had clean up time, I would see the students over at the shelf organzing the book boxes in abc order (This was first grade. However, they were having fun while cleaning and learning-can't get any better somedays.)
I wish I could posts more pictures of my choice board and book box shelf, but those are at school. I absolutely am refusing to step my foot in the classroom until August 1 (when pre-planning begins). I have good reason too-I have three children of my own. We have had an amazing summer and I want to enjoy every minute I can with them and my hubby.
How do you organize your Reading Workshop? Do you include centers or do you use Daily 5? Please share!